
Karaoke for Goldfinger - Is She Really Going Out With Him

Goldfinger - Is She Really Going Out With Him (03:08)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
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Goldfinger - Counting The Days (03:29)
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Goldfinger - If Only (02:25)
Goldfinger - If Only (02:25)
Goldfinger - Im Down (02:08)
Goldfinger - Im Down (02:09)
Goldfinger - Is She Really Going Out With Him (03:08)
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Goldfinger - Just Like Heaven (01:55)
Goldfinger - Just Like Heaven (01:55)
Goldfinger - Kids Are Alright (01:32)
Goldfinger - Mable (02:19)
Goldfinger - Mable (03:01)
Goldfinger - Margaret Ann (02:34)
Goldfinger - My Girlfriends Shower Sucks (01:07)
Goldfinger - Open Your Eyes (02:47)
Goldfinger - Open Your Eyes (02:46)
Goldfinger - Open Your Eyes (02:47)
Goldfinger - Pick A Fight (03:25)
Goldfinger - Question (02:58)
Goldfinger - Red Balloons (04:07)
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Goldfinger - San Simeon (03:10)
Goldfinger - Spokesman (02:32)
Goldfinger - Spokesman (02:33)
Goldfinger - Spokesman (02:32)
Goldfinger - Spokesman (02:33)
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Goldfinger - Superman (03:05)
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Goldfinger - Walk Away (03:38)
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Goldfinger - Woodchuck (00:49)
Goldfinger - Youth (02:29)

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